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CONREN Land AG is an investment firm with a focus on office properties.
Investments are made through regulated fund structures, club deals, or within the scope of individual mandates.
Our investors are institutional investors and comparable private capital holders.

Facts & Figures

>120 Employees

Locations: Frankfurt, München, Hamburg, Barcelona, Madrid, London

Who we are

CONREN Land is an owner-managed investment firm headquartered in Frankfurt am Main,
Germany. Since its incorporation in 2007 we have successfully implemented numerous investment
programs for institutional and private investors.


We cover all necessary steps during each phase of the investment cycle to achieve successful results.
We excel in active fund, investment, portfolio and property management as well as in the
development of properties in strong economic areas.


In the relationship with our investors, we do not see ourselves as a higher-ranking consultant or
controller of individual processes, but we are – from the outset – a comprehensive property manager
whose experienced employees take care of all the individual areas.

What we stand for

We develop and implement investment programs with various risk/return profiles for our investors.
Our guiding principle at all times is: maximum discretion on the outside, maximum transparency
on the inside.


Besides Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom are additional core markets of CONREN Land.
The investments in Spain are executed via the operating company CONREN TRAMWAY S.L.
in Barcelona.

In the United Kingdom, London-based CLI Dartriver Ltd. is responsible for the property investments.
Both companies were founded with highly experienced local teams. They have the expertise to
implement investment strategies across the entire risk/return spectrum, including project


Wolfgang Schreier

Managing Partner

futher information

Wolfgang Schreier has a total of 28 years of professional experience in the area of real estate. He started out with Deutsche Bank, for which he worked for 9 years in various positions in the real estate area. Subsequently, he worked for 5 years at Credit Suisse, where he was responsible for real estate transactions and property analysis in the German, Swiss, Austrian and Luxembourg markets.. Wolfgang Schreier studied business and management as well as real estate economics. At CONREN Land, he is responsible for acquisitions, funds and portfolio management, asset and property management, as well as IT, organisation, and compliance.

Roman Klasen

Managing Partner

further information

As a financing specialist, Roman Klasen has analysed and financed commercial properties throughout Europe. Before joining CONREN Land, he worked for Credit Suisse in the area of Real Estate Finance & Securitisation in London. Prior to that, he worked at a major Spanish law firm providing real estate consulting services to German investors in Spain. Roman Klasen has 24 years of professional experience. He studied business and management and is fluent in Spanish. At CONREN Land, Roman is responsible for financing, structuring, business development and management in Spain, lease management and supporting international investors.

Dr. Matthias Schreier

Managing Partner

further information

Dr. Matthias Schreier has a total of 25 years of professional experience in the real estate sector. During this time, he worked in various real estate segments of Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse, where he executed numerous assessments and transactions of commercial and residential real estate portfolios. Matthias Schreier studied political economics and subsequently business and management. He wrote his doctoral thesis on a topic in the area of indirect real estate investment. Today, he is a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. At CONREN Land, he is responsible for acquisitions, transaction management, and supporting German investors.

Sascha Dorn

Chief Financial Officer

further information

Sascha Dorn is a qualified tax consultant and worked for the Big Four accounting firms KPMG, Ernst & Young and Deloitte in Hamburg, Frankfurt and London for over 10 years. Furthermore, he was employed with a mid-sized tax consulting firm. He has a diploma in business administration and a Master of International Taxation from the University of Hamburg. Sascha Dorn has 20 years of professional experience and has been with CONREN Land since 2013. As Chief Financial Officer at CONREN Land, he is responsible for financing, taxes, structuring and human resources.

Timo Thömmes

Chief Operating Officer

further information

Timo Thömmes started his career at Corpus Sireo in 2001. Subsequently, he worked inter alia for P+P Pöllath + Partners and as General Counsel and Managing Director for Germany and Eastern Europe with GE Capital Real Estate. During this time, his responsibilities included the structuring of special fund products for German and international investors as well as the responsibility for numerous transactions in Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, Scandinavia and Eastern Europe in all real estate segments. Timo Thömmes studied law and holds an MBA in International Tax Law. As Chief Operating Officer at CONREN Land, he is responsible for commercial and technical asset management, leasing, property management, organisation, legal and compliance.

Jan Ludwig Brügelmann

Chief Investment Officer

further information

Jan Ludwig Brügelmann worked for nine years for the auditing company Pricewaterhouse Coopers in Frankfurt. As a partner at the Real Estate department, he was responsible for the execution of German and European real estate transactions. He graduated in business administration and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). Further professional stations were from 2006 to 2010 Deutsche Leasing AG and before that Allianz Global Investors. As Chief Investment Officer, Jan Ludwig Brügelmann heads the Investment Management division at CONREN Land and is responsible for acquisition and transaction as well as underwriting.

Our Range of Services

We provide all services required for the comprehensive management of individual properties and
real estate portfolios with our own specialists.


Our range of services reaches from the development of the investment profile to the acquisition
of properties, from the structuring of the investment structure and the financing, acquisition due
diligence, and day-to-day management – including leasing, construction measures, accounting,
ancillary cost settlement, and reporting –to the sale of properties.


Thanks to our long-standing network, we have connections to private and institutional portfolio holders of interesting properties that
we can use for proactive acquisitions.

  • Individual Mandate
    We develop the investment strategy jointly with an investor, acquire
    corresponding properties, and manage them. Sales decisions can be made
    at any time so that the liquidity of the investment is assured.


  • Fund Concept
    If institutional investors are interested in investing in a specific market segment
    at a specific time, we will develop a suitable and regulated fund concept and
    implement it.


  • Club Deal
    If we find an interesting investment opportunity that does not fit into an
    ongoing mandate or current fund, we will make this opportunity available
    to a small group of investors for joint investment.

Our work is free from any conflicts of interests, since we only work with
investment profiles that do not overlap at any point in time.

CONREN Land has more than 100 highly qualified employees with many years of experience in the area of real estate (on average: 18 years of professional experience), who realise the planned investments with entrepreneurial creativity and flexibility.


We offer our investors the complete range of services required for a real estate investment on the basis of an established acquisition, management, and sales process. It is crucial for our services that we organise and implement them completely via our own internal company structure, as this allows us to realise not only customised investment programs but also to quickly develop quality solutions for our investors.

  • Investment Management
    Our Investment Team specialises in all activities required in the deal structuring, acquisition and sales phase of a real estate investment. Another focus of their work, in addition to the acquisition of properties and financing capital, is the development of profit-oriented business plans with verified success rates.


  • Asset and Property Management
    Our Asset and Property Management develops, controls, and supports all acquired properties. We carry out periodic property inspections, which means that we are on-site for our investors. We manage costs actively and optimise ancillary costs. With individual property teams, we plan and control all construction measures with regard to the property and tenant fit-out. On the basis of feasibility studies and cost-benefit analyses, we work with architects and engineers to determine the plausibility of modernization and renovation measures to be implemented, as well as new construction measures. Our own property management and accounting enables us to generate meaningful reports quickly.


  • Development
    With our Development division, we plan and build contemporary, high-quality and commercially attractive office properties on the basis of feasibility studies and market/location analyses. Our activities range from land acquisition and development of use concepts, as well as letting and marketing, financing, and construction-related planning and implementation management. We are actively involved in new construction and the repositioning of existing properties.


  • Lease Management
    As part of an acquisition phase, the Lease Team develops a customised lease strategy. It develops area concepts and coordinates real estate marketing plans. Our Lease team negotiates and concludes lease agreements with creditworthy tenants and thus ensures a stable cash flow in compliance with the business plan.


  • Portfolio Management
    The Portfolio Management Team monitors and controls the structuring and strategic alignment of real estate investments. It develops recommendations for investors’ decisions on the basis of well-founded performance and financial analyses, taking into consideration market developments. Through the methodical identification of risks, our portfolio management team ensures transparent risk and liquidity management. With specialized teams for ESG and research we used to develop and support cross-portfolio measures.


  • Fund Management
    Fund Management structures and plans individual funds, pooled funds as well as club deals via an investment KG. Together with institutional investors, the Team controls the successful implementation of the fund strategy. In addition to the performance and liquidity control at fund level, the Team monitors acquisition and disinvestment processes, in particular in consideration of supervisory and strategic as well as contractual investment terms.


  • Controlling
    Controlling is responsible for and monitors internal and external financial reporting. By continuously developing and optimising processes, procedures, and tools, the controlling team ensures active benchmarking at the portfolio level. Within the scope of transactions, Controlling is responsible for evaluating research databases, and their analysis results support transaction and decision-making processes.


  • Tax and Accounting
    Our Tax and Accounting Department monitors and implements tax and accounting matters in connection with real estate investments at the level of properties and special purpose vehicles. In addition to providing comprehensive cash management, the Tax and Accounting Team also supports the due diligence process during acquisitions and contributes tax expertise during the transaction process.

Examples of Investments

CONREN Land offers attractive and diversified investment programs with a focus on office properties and
develops customised investment strategies for various investors.


• Location:Berlin
• Rental area:11.000 m2


• Location:Munich
• Rental area:21.800 m2


• Location:Frankfurt
• Rental area:2.800 m2

Office and retail

• Location:Frankfurt
• Rental area:4.900 m2


• Location:Berlin
• Rental area:9.800 m2


• Location:Munich
• Rental area:10.500 m2


• Location:Hamburg
• Rental area:11.600 m2


• Location:Hamburg
• Rental area:19.800 m2


• Location:Hamburg
• Rental area:20.900 m2


• Location:Köln
• Rental area:11.500 m2

Office and retail

• Location:Stuttgart
• Rental area:19.200 m2


• Location:Munich
• Rental area:12.200 m2

Office and retail

• Location:Wiesbaden
• Rental area:11.200 m2

Office and retail

• Location:Wiesbaden
• Rental area:10.400 m2


• Location:Munich
• Rental area:22.200 m2

Office and retail

• Location:Escborn
• Rental area:11.000 m2

Office and retail

• Location:Leipzig
• Rental area:6.400 m2


• Location:Frankfurt
• Rental area:2.600 m2


• Location:Stuttgart
• Rental area:11.900 m2

Office and retail

• Location:Hamburg
• Rental area:1.400 m2

Office and retail

• Location:Hamburg
• Rental area:2.700 m2


• Location:Stuttgart
• Rental area:4.500 m2

Office and retail

• Location:Wiesbaden
• Rental area:4.500 m2


• Location:Regensburg
• Rental area:15.500 m2

Office and retail

• Location:Düsseldorf
• Rental area:18.000 m2


• Location:Düsseldorf
• Rental area:12.000 m2


• Location:Munich
• Rental area:6.600 m2

Office and retail

• Location:Munich
• Rental area:2.000 m2

Office and retail

• Location:Berlin
• Rental area:3.300 m2


• Location:Frankfurt
• Rental area:19.300 m2


• Location:Dusseldorf
• Rental area:8.200 m2

Office and logictics

• Location:Langen
• Rental area:40.000 m2

Office and retail

• Location:Mannheim
• Rental area:10.800 m2


• Location:Munich
• Rental area:2.600 m2

Fashion order centre

• Location:Eschborn
• Rental area:38.000 m2

Office and retail

• Location:Frankfurt
• Rental area:8.100 m2

Residential and retail

• Location:Wiesbaden
• Rental area:4.200 m2

Office and retail

• Location:Vienna, Austria
• Rental area:17.100 m2


• Location:Munich
• Rental area:860 m2


Our firm thrives on the highest level of commitment, professional expertise, and personal skills of our employees.
That’s why employee development is one of our priorities.


Through continued education events, we support our employees on an individual level, enabling them pursue their
personal and professional development. Junior management staff receives targeted coaching to enhance their
leadership qualities and to prepare them systematically for their new role.


Every single employee at CONREN Land sees themselves as a manager and contributes to the positive
development of our firm; employees are encouraged to make suggestions regarding the optimisation of our
processes and are thus actively involved.


As a dynamic and forward-thinking investment firm, we are always looking for motivated employees with
entrepreneurial creativity. We offer career opportunities in various areas of our firm and are looking forward
to your application!

Current vacancies

Technical Property Manager (m/w/d)
Job Description
Property Manager (m/w/d)
Job Description
Manager (m/w/d) - Fondsmanagement
Job Description


Bockenheimer Anlage 2
D-60322 Frankfurt am Main

Tel:  +49 (69) 697 66 430 0
Fax: +49 (69) 697 66 430 90

The unsolicited sending of property offers does not constitute a brokerage agreement – neither brokerage nor property proof. It does not result in any protection of the property and/or seller. Broker and commission agreements must be concluded with us separately. We expressly object to General Terms and Conditions.